Welcome to PuzzleScript Plus (or PS+ for short)! This is a fork of PuzzleScript by Increpare (or "vanilla PuzzleScript") that aims to merge functionality from existing forks together into one place, and adds a couple of new features of its own.
Consider making a game in vanilla PuzzleScript first! PS+ expects you to have an intermediate understanding of the workings of PuzzleScript.
Here's just a taster of what you can expect:
Games from vanilla PS (and some forks) should work out of the box in PS+, and behave the same. If this is not the case, please report a bug! By default the game will have the same behavior as in vanilla PS. To unleash the power of PS+, a good place to start is by adding some prelude flags!
I'd like to add a few extra tricks that are available in the vanilla Puzzlescript editor, but there are a few that are extra useful in PS+. For example, Ctrl + Click a level to load it immediately, even levels printed in the console. And use Alt + Drag to select text in a grid, great for editing large levels or sprites.
Finally, there's an alternate way of sharing the game if the SHARE option in the engine is not working for you: Log into Github Gists, make a gist with a file called script.txt with your PS source code. Save the project to get an URL like gist.github.com/Auroriax/65c0e7ab38cfc25806e11a6dcacfb3ad. Now, append the hash from that url to the PS+ play URL, for example auroriax.github.io/PuzzleScript/play.html?p=65c0e7ab38cfc25806e11a6dcacfb3ad.
Please see the GitHub readme for credits and attribution.