
Welcome to PuzzleScript Plus (or PS+ for short)! This is a fork of PuzzleScript by Increpare (or "vanilla PuzzleScript") that aims to merge functionality from existing forks together into one place, and adds a couple of new features of its own.

What should I know before I start?

Consider making a game in vanilla PuzzleScript first! PS+ expects you to have an intermediate understanding of the workings of PuzzleScript.

What's new?

Here's just a taster of what you can expect:

See the landing page of the documentation for more info. There are some limitations though. Please consider having a look at the open issues on GitHub to see the known problems.

Porting vanilla PuzzleScript games

Games from vanilla PS (and some forks) should work out of the box in PS+, and behave the same. If this is not the case, please report a bug! By default the game will have the same behavior as in vanilla PS. To unleash the power of PS+, a good place to start is by adding some prelude flags!

Editor Changes

I'd like to add a few extra tricks that are available in the vanilla Puzzlescript editor, but there are a few that are extra useful in PS+. For example, Ctrl + Click a level to load it immediately, even levels printed in the console. And use Alt + Drag to select text in a grid, great for editing large levels or sprites.

Finally, there's an alternate way of sharing the game if the SHARE option in the engine is not working for you: Log into Github Gists, make a gist with a file called script.txt with your PS source code. Save the project to get an URL like gist.github.com/Auroriax/65c0e7ab38cfc25806e11a6dcacfb3ad. Now, append the hash from that url to the PS+ play URL, for example auroriax.github.io/PuzzleScript/play.html?p=65c0e7ab38cfc25806e11a6dcacfb3ad.


Please see the GitHub readme for credits and attribution.